Development =========== Building Pyjion from source is relatively involved process. Pyjion is a C++ project with a CMake build configuration. It requires libraries for Python and the .NET CLR. Compiling from Source --------------------- Prerequisites: - CPython 3.10 - CMake 3.2 + - .NET 6 At the command-line you can compile the project by using ``: .. code-block:: > git clone --recurse-submodules > cd pyjion > python -m pip install -U > python develop --build-type Debug Pyjion uses a fork of scikit-build. This is because scikit-build still doesn't have Visual Studio 2019 support. Devcontainer ------------ Pyjion comes bundled with a devcontainer. Devcontainers are a specification used by VS Code and GitHub. They contain both instructions for building and a Dockerfile for Linux. Devcontainers are the fastest way to get started on the Pyjion source code. Github codespaces ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GitHub codespaces can build and open the devcontainer if you select the option within github: .. image:: _static/codespaces.png :width: 50% :align: center This requires access to the codespaces preview programme. VS Code ~~~~~~~ When opening the directory, VS Code will detect the devcontainer and ask if you want to build and open the project in the dev container. This requires: - Docker - The Remote Containers extension This dev container will build a Linux docker container with all of the prerequisites and compile the project ready for testing. CMake Flags ----------- Pyjion has CMake flags to add additional debug output in the compiled binary. You can set any flags on the `` command: .. code-block:: $ python develop --build-type Debug -DCOMPILER_DEBUG=ON Full list of flags: .. list-table:: :widths: 30 70 :header-rows: 1 * - Flag - Description * - COMPILER_DEBUG - Emit debug messages in the compiler * - BUILD_TESTS - Build the unit tests (on by default in Debug builds) * - GENERATE_PROFILE - Enable Profile Generation (PGO) * - DUMP_JIT_TRACES - Dump .NET JIT traces on compilation * - REPORT_CLR_FAULTS - Report .NET CLR faults * - DUMP_SEQUENCE_POINTS - Dump IL and native sequence points after compiling * - DUMP_INSTRUCTION_GRAPHS - Dump graphviz instruction graphs during compilation Testing ------- Because Pyjion is a complex project, it has a complex testing suite. The tests are split into 4 stages: 1. The C++ unit tests to verify isolated scenarios 2. The Python tests to do integration testing and verify certain optimizations 3. Performance benchmarks to measure performance improvements 4. A test runner for the CPython regression suite Catch2 Unit tests ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The C++ unit test suite is around 1000 Python micro-functions to compile and test basic Python functionality. You can run the unit tests binary from the build directory: .. code-block:: > ./unit_tests ... =============================================================================== test cases: 117 | 113 passed | 4 failed as expected assertions: 6465 | 6367 passed | 98 failed as expected Benchmarks ~~~~~~~~~~ There are some preconfigured benchmarks in ``Tests/benchmarks``: .. code-block:: $ python Tests/benchmarks/ took 1.7167979199999999 min, 2.2481216809999998 max, 1.9089201766 mean without Pyjion took 0.9969279479999997 min, 1.2294269269999987 max, 1.1075061115999998 mean with Pyjion Pyjion is 41.98% faster took 1.8965339189999995 min, 2.2599547509999987 max, 2.0514137473999994 mean without Pyjion took 1.4789822159999986 min, 1.742200779000001 max, 1.6008296068000007 mean with Pyjion Pyjion is 21.96% faster This is not a comprehensive benchmark suite. There is the pyperformance benchmark suite available if you want to test, but keep in mind that some tests are still not compatible with Pyjion. See :ref:`Limitations` for more info. Python test suite ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Python test suite is a Pytest project. It has custom Pytest hooks for: - Running each test 3 times - Preconfiguring Pyjion settings like the optimization level and profiling .. code-block:: console $ pip install -r Tests/requirements_test.txt $ python -m pytest Tests/ -v --opt-level 1 CPython Regression Test Suite ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are two custom test-runners for the CPython regression test suite. 1. Smoke tests, a subset of the CPython regression tests 2. The full test suite The smoke-test runner has 2 additional flags. ``-o `` to set the optimization level, and ``--pgc`` to enable PGC. Here is an example of running the smoke tests: .. code-block:: console $ python Tests/ -f Tests/python_smoke_tests.txt -o 0 The full test suite runner takes up to an hour to complete. Here is an example of running the full test suite: .. code-block:: console $ python -X dev -q Tests/ -f Tests/python_tests.txt -v The test input file depends on the OS: - ``Tests/python_tests.txt`` for Linux - ``Tests/python_tests_macos11.txt`` for macOS - ``Tests/python_tests_win.txt`` for Windows